
> I don't like it but it has its uses. In this case I was using it to test
> because it is a heavily interactive page and does not load ads that may
> require flash.
To test what? A browser?

> I gave a quick comparison about memory usage between Windows and
> FreeBSD, that was an informal test but still a clue that it is not only
> a limit problem, but also a resource usage problem
This is OpenBSD list, you know!

> This is not an attack against your favourite OS and saying that in
> certain scenarios an app on windows runs better is not an endorsement
> for that operating system.
> It only shows that there is space for improvement.
Second time, this list is not about Windows! I don't have a 'favorite' OS.

> The fact that I am a heavy user is no kind of proof, it was just a mean
> tosay that I am not an occasional browser user, but that I eran my daly
> bread with stuff in a browser, so I have experience with the beast.
Then earn it nice. Do not create monster sites for weak browsers and
hardware. Look at the www.openbsd.org pages, please.

> My suspect is that at least on all BSDs, Seamonkey (but surely other
> browsers too) use more memory. If you add the stricter limits, it's easy.
This is not news, many people are complaining browsers are becoming
giants eating your memory.

> I will perform a better comparison, including linux and write a blog
> entry about it.
Third time, this is not a list about linux.

> It could be a detendent library, it could be gtk, cairo... whatever.
It could be the universe expanding or solar radiation. OR much better,
the Schroedinger's cat.

> A long time ago, on Linux I did run the same version of Mozilla (!) with
> GTK and with win32 over wine. The latter was faster and used less >resources.
Fourth time, it's about OpenBSD for OS' sake!

> Riccardo

So, it was a thread about browsers now, and all I was hopping was that
some people will step in and offer some mitigations. Do not hijack the
thread, please. Your tests are not helpful.
 I'm available on the email, let's not abuse the list.


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