Quoting Jason Adams <adams...@gmail.com>:

On 11/16/2014 12:15 PM, Jorge Gabriel Lopez Paramount wrote:
I have other approach that has worked for me so far: I created a virtual machine with Debian GNU/kFreeBSD (sorry but I'm new here), and installed Firefox there and other software I would need like image and PDF viewers. After installing Firefox I configured things like proxy and after
browsing no page at all shutdown my virtual machine.

Seems heavy, and probably harder to set up and maintain than (e) and (f).

Sure it's harder to set up, but believe me, after setting up the maintenance is almost zero. I restart every week that server as read-write to patch it and that's all, and have to do that way because Debian publish a lot of patches frequently. If OpenBSD is as good as I have seen and there is a patch like once a month then you will have to care about it once a month.

I have been using that VM more than half a year and invested like 4 hours setting it up. Is it not worth 4 hours a software that you use every day for things as important as banking?

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