I see what you mean.

This, I think, is close to what you're looking for, but I'm not 100% certain of how to accomplish exactly what you want:

  nexthop qualify via bgp
  listen on A.B.C.D  ## vrf member address of, say, em1
  rtable 2  ## put vrf interface into rdomain 2 via ifconfig?
  rdomain 2 {
    rd 123:456
    depend on em1
  neighbor VPNCLIENT1 {
    depend on em1

...I don't know how to avoid running a separate instance of bgpd(8) per VRF, however.

Given that OpenBSD has, apparently, a working MPLS + LDP implementation, this is obviously yet another case where the manual pages contain enough information

Based on jeker's MPLS paper back at EuroBSDCon 2011, it may be the case that BGP + VRF really only works work mpe(4).

Ah! I found someone else's documentation that explains it... you do still need to use rdomain0, but you MUST tag the routes. rdomain0 contains everything, including the [possibly overlapping] routes, but with prefixes to keep them separate.

See http://firstyear.id.au/entry/21. Also see jeker's explanation (perhaps dated) here: http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/Using-RDomain-setup-with-pf-4-and-bgpd-8-td42066.html.

(Also check out http://lmgtfy.com/?q=openbsd+bgp+vrf. Admittedly, the fourth or fifth result _is_ this thread :-/.)

Failing that, as I can't tell for certain if it does what you want, wait for Claudio, Henning, or whoever else is working on it now to figure out how to make it work better! I hear sending them beer sometimes helps...


On 07/24/2015 08:07 PM, XU, YANG (YANG) wrote:

I really appreciate your reply. I read bgpd.conf and see rdomain can only 
define network as explicit, static or connected. In my case, I need to import 
dynamic prefix from BGP session. Right now all prefix learned from BGP goes to 
rdomain 0.  I want to put prefix learned from BGP into the rdomain I specify.

From: Adam Thompson [athom...@athompso.net]
Sent: 24 July 2015 20:33
Subject: Re: rdomain with BGP dynamic route

On 2015-07-24 06:47 AM, XU, YANG (YANG) wrote:
Let me describe it in another way. Can I create a new rdomain as a VRF and use 
the rdomain to import/export customer's prefix through BGP?

I will greatly appreciate it if you can provide any information. I have seen 
some information online, but prefix is either from static configuration or 
connected network. In my case, I need to support dynamic routes from BGP in VRF.
Short answer: yes.

See man bgpd.conf(5):

bgpd(8) supports the setup and distribution of Virtual Private Networks.
It is possible to import and export prefixes between routing domains.
Each routing domain is specified by an rdomain section, which allows
properties to be set specifically for that rdomain:
rdomain 1 {
      descr "a rdomain"
      rd 65002:1
      import-target rt 65002:42
      export-target rt 65002:42
      network 192.168.1/24
      depend on mpe0

-Adam Thompson

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