What I meant is, if a program sends a handful of pings to each mirror,
would it think it is being spammed and shutdown any further connections. I
didn't mean to say that I want to connect the pkg_ping program to a of
anchor. I tried an initial localhost pinging,  pkg_ping program in
virtualbox using 32 MB RAM and it worked; while it froze trying to open
pico in the console. It wouldn't need to use much resources and would use
kqueue, which isn't available in any other language other than C, in the
base as far as I'm aware. I use kqueue to easily store a custom struct with
the pipe() values, list pointers and such in *udata. It intermittently
reads from pipes from all the spawned ping threads to conserve memory,
reads the individual lantency output and stores the ping time value in a
single linked list to be transferred to an array to be sorted by qsort so
that the median value is determined by its position in the sorted array. It
actually doesn't directly call any sockets or anything that hasn't been
audited in the base it just reads individual characters from pipes until
EOF so far.

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