I just got consistent internet for my laptop and got the ftp and sed  call
pipes and stuff to work. What I want to know is if I make multiple fork()
to execl() ping calls, should I limit the number of a standard
argument-free call to my pkg_ping to 8 or so threads which pings each of
the mirrors 9 or so times(and calculate the median latency) at 1 ping per
second, or will the mirrors have ping firewall rules that relegate such a
machine to a spam anchor in the of rules? I was thinking about having ftp
download a small package to determine download speeds, but I wonder whether
if I did that on a specific file, whether the results may be skewed by
inconsistent squid or similar program caching often downloaded files on
On Dec 27, 2015 18:17, "Luke Small" <lukensm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Even though I don't have an internet connection for my laptop I
> started the C program that pipes an execl call from ftp, to sed, (like
> the suggestions
> offered earlier in the thread, and back to the parent and it will use
> kqueue to test the pipe buffer capacities to a local buffer (I love
> kqueue).... It could probably use the existing ftp() and maybe ping()
> to deal with all the network protocols, interfaces and ports. I don't
> want to sound like I'm bragging. I just really appreciate the help.
> -Luke

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