
ropers wrote on Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 05:10:35AM +0100:
> On 26 January 2016 at 00:37, Rodrigo Mosconi wrote:
>> Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>>>  * ftp(8) is very old and suffering from bitrot; the last attempt to
>>>    rewrite it trickled out with no obvious conclusion, i don't
>>>    exactly know why.

>> ftp client or ftp server?

> That must be a typo. There is no ftp(8), but there are ftp(1) and ftpd(8).

I meant ftp(1), the client.  But it was pointed out to me in private
that work on the replacement wasn't abandoned and is ongoing, even
if slowly, so it was probably a mistake to mention it as an open
task.  Sorry for the misrepresentation.


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