IMHO it's for misc.

So, yes, feel free to donate to either OpenBSD foundation or directly
to interested developer. I'm sure your donation will be appreciated.

In your list you omitted two other options how to speed your hdd access:

- buy more RAM and increase caching, on AMD64 it would probably need
to use IOMMU so either new development or resurrection of this from
the past would be needed. This should help you with read.

- sponsor WAPBL enhancements to support data logging and external
journal. This should speed your write access.

If you are interested in softraid, then perhaps some funding of fixes
which would allow running several softraid drives on top of another
would be great way to reuse your specific caching softraid discipline
with whatever softraid OpenBSD supports now.

And do not forget that development takes time so I would strongly
recommend you to contact OpenBSD foundation just on Monday morning and
send them your money contribution with a plea for work -- especially
if you like to use that in 12 month timeframe in production

On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Tinker <> wrote:
> Ah, I now understand that this problem is mindbogglingly complex because of
> tons and tons of work needed to make it work, including the storage format
> on the SSD cache, and tools for "fsck":ing it etc etc. In a way that maybe
> answered my question, thanks!
> On 2016-01-31 19:00, Tinker wrote:
>> If there is nothing like this implemented in software in OpenBSD,
>>  * If someone implemented it, would there be interest to actually
>> include the patch in OpenBSD?
>>  * Could a direct personal donation (separate from the normal
>> donations to the OpenBSD project) to a developer be of use for making
>> this happen, if so how big a donation, of what value would USD 1,000
>> be in proportion?
>>    Not sure right now but next 12 months I could consider this, if you
>> have any ideas about who feel free to respond or PM or anything you
>> like.
>> On 2016-01-31 16:16, Tinker wrote:
>>> This could be made in software with benefit, as a Softraid patch.
>>> So the frequently accessed stuff ends up cached on the SSD for faster
>>> read speed.
>>> ZFS on FreeBSD etc. does it in its "ARC"/"ARC2L" feature?
>>> There is some hardware solution, e.g. Intel made the
>>> using the "Nytro MegaRAID" chip.
>>> Someone would need to port its driver to OpenBSD.
>>> Also in the past there was a "Adaptec MaxIQ". Those are the only two
>>> "Raid controller cache" hardware solutions I am aware of, do you know
>>> any more?
>>> (Was not sure if this belonged on tech@ or misc@, any clarification
>>> for me to never more crosspost please let me know)

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