Could you be so kind and move this conversation out of misc@

Thanks! Karel

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 7:54 PM, mxb <> wrote:
> Who gives a sh*t?!
> Ppl supporting OpenBSD community what matters - with userbase without users
> like masturbating.
> Ppl like me test public diffs on live equipment, donate money and buy CDs
> Theo can continue to milk this project
> so he can bike in Canadian woods.
> As we speak it in Russia:
> “His long tongue will some day shorten his neck”.
> Good advice for him is to pledge() his mouth before someone else do it.
> The beauty in globalization is that distances and time get shorter.
> Even time-to-market AND market itself.
> With his big mouth like THIS he might get it turbulent.
> He actually did, buy pulling off DARPA feed.
>> On 31 juli 2016, at 16:51, ludovic coues <> wrote:
>> Guess which one of you and theo have it's name all over the CVS tree ?
>> 2016-07-31 16:37 GMT+02:00 mxb <>:
>>> While looking at the mirror, read your last email once again.
>>>> On 30 juli 2016, at 19:58, Theo de Raadt <> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, you sure are the cool dude.
>>>> Despite the existance of people like you, OpenBSD has been
>>>> progressing as working code for 20 years.
>>>> And what have you added.  Just words.
>>>> Mean ones about things you later say you don't are about.  Just
>>>> layers of spite from you when it is pointed out your words don't
>>>> change the world in any way.
>>>>> I don't appreciate the private reply.
>>>>> Adding misc back in.
>>>>>> On 30 juli 2016, at 16:29, Theo de Raadt <> wrote:
>>>>>> Just shut up.
>> --
>> Cordialement, Coues Ludovic
>> +336 148 743 42

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