That is why I wanted that the openbsd related USENET groups do
not be deleted. In USENET there is more tolerance toward "stupid"
questions, toward more off-topic. USENET is there just for
dialog, not for archiving important postings. But no one was
interested here on the groups.


On Mon, 1 Aug 2016, Marko Cupaæ wrote:

> admit). I know it is annoying to an expert to be constantly and
> repeatedly asked about trivial questions. It can drive him/her mad. But
> the solution is not to silence those who ask. Perhaps the solution is
> to try to find people who would be happy to answer noobs' questions,
> update documentation, administer bugtracker etc. Or do any other tasks
> which are not really intended to be performed in pauses between diving
> in kernel code.

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