
I'm trying to improve the performance of my freshly installed Nextcloud 
site.  I'm running on my local 1G network and the performance is less 
than optimal.

I've done all the SQL tuning, but from looking at the SQL log files, the 
SQL isn't the slow part.

I haven't configured a memory cache yet and am a bit confused about 
which OpenBSD packages correspond to the recommendations documented in:

    APCu <https://pecl.php.net/package/APCu>, APCu 4.0.6 and up required.
    Memcached <http://www.memcached.org/>
    Redis <http://redis.io/>, PHP module 2.2.6 and up required.

The only "APCu" packages are the UPS ones, not quite what I'm looking for :)
There is no php package for Memcached (php-memcached).  There is Perl, 
Python & Python3.
There is a php-predis package at 1.1.1 level, and a 
pecl-redis-2.2.7p0.tgz package, but is pecl for php?  I'm rather new to 
all the php modules stuff...

Is anyone running any of these applications?  If so, what is the name of 
the OpenBSD package, or did you do a local install?

Steve W.

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