
> I'm trying to improve the performance of my freshly installed Nextcloud 
> site.  I'm running on my local 1G network and the performance is less 
> than optimal.
> I've done all the SQL tuning, but from looking at the SQL log files, the 
> SQL isn't the slow part.

make sure your SQL encoding is set to unicode/UTF8, I recently did a fresh
install and the encoding ended up as SQL_ASCII and performance was abysmal.
Switching to UTF-8 and performance was as expected. (this was with postgresql)

> I haven't configured a memory cache yet and am a bit confused about 
> which OpenBSD packages correspond to the recommendations documented in:
> https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/11/admin_manual/configuration_server/caching_configuration.html
>     APCu <https://pecl.php.net/package/APCu>, APCu 4.0.6 and up required.
>     Memcached <http://www.memcached.org/>
>     Redis <http://redis.io/>, PHP module 2.2.6 and up required.
> The only "APCu" packages are the UPS ones, not quite what I'm looking for :)
> There is no php package for Memcached (php-memcached).  There is Perl, 
> Python & Python3.
> There is a php-predis package at 1.1.1 level, and a 
> pecl-redis-2.2.7p0.tgz package, but is pecl for php?  I'm rather new to 
> all the php modules stuff...
> Is anyone running any of these applications?  If so, what is the name of 
> the OpenBSD package, or did you do a local install?

I've configured my nextcloud installation with redis. The relevant packages

# pkg_info | grep -i redis
pecl-redis-2.2.7p0  PHP interface to redis
redis-3.2.6         persistent key-value database


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