2017-03-08 13:52 GMT+01:00 Roderick <hru...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2017, Nick Holland wrote:
> The point is, you can't design ONE box for ten years of life.  With
>> modern SSD tech, I suspect you won't see a SATA port on a computer in
>> ten years.
> But we can try to speculate. I guess, we will have USB Ports for long
> time. You see that the old RS232 is still alive. And we will have adapters
> to read old discs.

Hard to buy computers with serial ports these days, also I have several USB
that will not work in a USB3 port, but need that I have a usb port in
between to get
the bus down to USB2 (or 1.1 or 1) speeds before being visible. Not even
USB handles
obsoletion(sp?) very well, even if adapters exist, but that is just
confirming Nicks story
to be valid.

What if usb4 shows the same issues, then a usb4->3 usb with a 3->2 hub
All so that I don't have to move the data every X years...

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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