
I'm playing with OpenBSD 3.8 and would like some
comments/advice on partitioning.
I have a 500MHz test machine, 256MB RAM, 4GB H/D,
100/1Gb intel ethernet card.

Most of the examples show separate partitions for


I want to run a mailsever (20 users),
(spamassasin/clamav) mailing list server (20 lists),
ftp and web servers, (maybe 100MB or so of data)
adding them in and seeing how it handles the load.

I was thinking of doing

/ = 500MB
/tmp - 100MB
/usr - 1GB
/var - 1GB
/home - 1.4GB

or should I just have a root and home partitions ?

I'm not really sure about the sizing for /tmp or /var
so I want to be economical with the limited space.

Opinions please.

Thanks in advance.
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