On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 05:41:48PM -0700, Thomas Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> My ISP (Cox) supports IPv6 and I have this working on a MikroTik
> router--it pulls an address and prefix, creates a default route,
> creates an address pool for internal clients, etc.
> I've been working to configure a similar setup in OpenBSD 6.1 but I've
> been unable to even get the outside interface to pull an IPv6 address
> from Cox (IPv4 is working properly).
> I???ve tried both `inet6 autoconf` and `rtsol` in
> /etc/hostname.em0--both have worked in other IPv6 environments I???ve
> run OpenBSD in, but neither are working in this context.
> Can anyone advise on this please?

Make sure that you're allowing the correct ICMP packets through pf. I've
banged my head on that part of IPv6 too many times. Here's what I've
found I have had to add in /etc/pf.conf:

icmp6_types = "{ echoreq, routersol, routeradv, neighbrsol, \
        neighbradv, redir }"

# allow multicast ICMP so IPv6 works right
pass in quick on egress inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from any to \
       { ( egress ), ff02::1/16 } icmp6-type $icmp6_types

There's a bunch of neighbor-finding chatter that occurs on IPv6, so my
typical iron-fisted traffic blocking was causing IPv6 to not work at
all. Also, I know that when I used to have Comcast I had to specifically
request a /60  and tell Comcast that I wanted to be a router instead of
a client. I believe DHCPD accomplished this, although someone with a
less foggy memory should double-check that.

To find a friend one must close one eye; to keep him -- two.
                -- Norman Douglas

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