On 2018/04/19 23:06, MS wrote:
> ok, I think I figured out what the problem is...OpenBSD recognizes my ZTE 
> MF195 but doesn't see
> it as a ucom device but as a storage (sd and cd(!))

Try "eject cd0". That may be enough, if that works then you have an
interim solution and we can add a DEV_UMASS4 quirk for the device.
Please send new dmesg and usbdevs -vd after the eject command has run.

If it doesn't seem to do anything useful, there are some other more
vendor-specific quirks we can try, but those will need rebuilding
a kernel to test, so give "eject" a go first.

>  port 3 addr 2: high speed, power 500 mA, config 1, MF195(0x1514), 
> ZTE(0x19d2), rev 0.01,

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