On 2018-05-24, Sebastian Benoit <benoit-li...@fb12.de> wrote:
> Base system snapshots (including xenocara) and packages are not build
> at the same time. Package builds use the latest snapshot, but since
> building packages takes a day or so (depending on the arcitecture and
> build machines available) and distribution of the packages to the mirrors
> also tkes time, there is a time lag between the newer version of a base
> library available and the package that uses it being available.

Build time is around a day on the amd64 cluster, i386 a little longer,
some other arches a *lot* longer.

The exact problem here is:

- packages are built against libfreetype.so.28.2

- X provides libfreetype.so.29.0

- some other X libraries (libfontconfig etc) depend on new libfreetype
but the library version on those remained the same

- some packages depend on *both* libfontconfig and libfreetype, so the
dynamic linker loads one of the libfreetype versions and the other
libraries, notices the conflict, and warns you. (sometimes it's
harmless enough, but there could be disastrous consequences).

In this case the best thing to do is sit it out and wait for new
packages but the commit process was wrong. To avoid problems with
packages or locally compiled software, the other libraries in X that
dependg on libfreetype should have received the same type of library
bump as libfreetype itself.

> Add to that that you (as user) probably do not catch every library bump of
> base system libries when updating your machine, you can get into the
> situation that base has a newer lib than what a package needs, but the older
> lib that the package needs is newer than the old version thats still on
> your system because you skipped that.

That is at least detected by package tools and more easily fixed :)

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