On 07/10/18 14:00, Teno Deuter wrote:
> Dear list,
> in a OpenBSD 6.3 machine I run httpd and opensmptd and try to intall
> roundcubemail 1.3.5 from the OpenBSD packages repository.
> When running the installer, in the first page, I get following warnings:
> FileInfo:  OK
> Libiconv:  OK
> Intl:  NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php)
> Exif:  OK
> LDAP:  NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.ldap.php)
> GD:  NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.image.php)
> Imagick:  NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.imagick.php)
> but pkg_info shows:
> php-gd-5.6.34       image manipulation extensions for php
> php-intl-5.6.34     intl library support for php
> and I think php-imagick is already part of the php OpenBSD package.
> Why do I get the above warnings?

$ doas cp /et/php-5.6.sample/{gd,intl}.ini /etc/php-5.6
$ doas rcctl restart php56_fpm
> Also, in the second installation page I get the following:
> Mimetype to file extension mapping:  NOT OK
> but in httpd.conf, on the top of the file, I have the following entry:
> types { include "/usr/share/misc/mime.types" }

No clue.
> Thank you
> martijn@

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