
Aaron Mason wrote on Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 09:07:40AM +1000:

> Apparently you've got to go through your source code
> and plug the product in every single non-header file.

Which is of course trivial to do - you write a script to do a
checkout, run "sed -i", run the tool, collect the the results,
and delete the checkout.  So the harassment by the author is not
even effective for his intended purpose.

If the developer is *that* stupid in such a major respect,
it's probably best to ignore the tool outright - that stupidity
gives me the prejudice that the tool is likely to be hostile
towards free software, greedy for private profit, and even
more stupid in other ways, so it's likely a waste of time
in the first place.

It's not like there aren't lots of other choices, written by
smart people for a change.


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