On 2019-03-29, Sebastian Benoit <benoit-li...@fb12.de> wrote:
> open...@kene.nu(open...@kene.nu) on 2019.03.29 08:36:26 +0100:
>> I forgot to add to my previous email. One thing that could be useful
>> in this case is to mimic the Cisco option "neighbor x.x.x.x
>> remove-private-as" which removes any private ASes from the path on any
>> updates to a peer.  Just throwing it out there, cant be a very
>> difficult option to implement I guess?
> If as-override does what you need, i'm not to keen on adding more knobs.
> That said, i'm happy to look at your diff ;)

It's not really equivalent, the private-as peer may be on a different
router than the upstream and you want to carry the paths internally
with the private asn, just strip them at your outbound edge.

The cisco/etc option is slightly different to what's stated, it is
"remove private asn if there are *only* private asn in the path".

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