Similarly to konsole, KDE's dolphin no longer works too after upgrade of amd64 from 6.4 to 6.5.

It seems that dolphin was switched to KF5 too, ma I wasn't able to install the new package:

casa:/home/giannici# pkg_add dolphin-kf5
quirks-3.124 signed on 2019-04-15T12:10:16Z
Can't install dolphin-kf5-18.12.0p2 because of conflicts (dolphin-plugins-4.14.3p1)
--- dolphin-kf5-18.12.0p2 -------------------
Can't install dolphin-kf5-18.12.0p2: conflicts
Couldn't install dolphin-kf5-18.12.0p2

I cannot remove dolphin-plugins-4.14.3p1 because kdesdk depends on it, and kde4 depends on kdesdk:

casa:/home/giannici# pkg_delete dolphin-plugins
can't delete dolphin-plugins-4.14.3p1 without deleting kdesdk-4.14.3p3
Delete them as well ? [y/N/a]

casa:/home/giannici# pkg_delete kdesdk
can't delete kdesdk-4.14.3p3 without deleting kde4-4.14.3p23
Delete them as well ? [y/N/a]

Without dolphin and konsole it's really hard to comfortably use KDE. So, please can anybody tell me what is the supposed way to use dolphin (and konsole) with OpenBSD 6.5?


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