On Wed, May 8, 2019, at 7:38 AM, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> > When will be created a great desktop experience for OpenBSD?
> I think it is important to keep in mind that in order to achieve
> *anything* in the OpenBSD project (or other open source projects for
> that matter) the way forward is to work *with*, not against, the
> developers and their code.
> The short version is, please present your ideas of what you want to do
> with sound reasoning and if at all possible supplement with patches
> posted to tech@.
> The patches stand a better chance of being accepted (perhaps along
> with their developer) if the submitter can take comments and valid
> criticisms from competent people (again mainly the developers) in
> stride and seems willing to stay around as maintainer in the longer
> haul (ie not slink back to the shadows after a release or two).
> For anyone considering taking up the theme of this thread, please
> consider whether this could somehow be made into the package with only
> minimal impact on the base system.
> Such a package could for example leverage all the tools already in the
> base systems to generate something like bsd.graphic.{rd,is,fs} and
> offer a skeleton for a site.tgz for the generated install medium.
> If this sounds a lot like what is very achievable with the tools
> already in the OpenBSD base system and seasoned OpenBSD admins would
> do comfortably with a relatively simple autoinstall, it's because that
> is exactly what it is.
> But if there is an actual use case spot we're missing, this would be
> the way to filling it with the least amount of extra work for everyone
> involved.

Peter, it's not going to happen because it would require someone to do work.
The whole point is to try to get others to do it for you.

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