Hi guys,

I'm new on this list. Greetings everyone.

Here is my case:

I installed OpenBSD on a 4GB Flash Card by attaching the card to a
Bhyve VM as a "ahci-hd" custom drive. Then, booted the VM and disabled
a few of services. Also disabled kernel and libs randomization, since
it's not needed and the Soekris couldn't handle it. At the end, only
sshd, syslogd and ntpd are starting and and 73MB or RAM remain free.
Finally, I created a /etc/hostname.sis1 file with proper network
configuration, since the device name in the VM is not the same of the
interface of the Soekris.

Now I should say: the serial console is not working for me, for some
reason I cannot get it working. I see garbage in the screen with all
possible combinations of speeds and other terminal configs.

When I plug the CF in the Soekris, it won't boot properly. I think the
kernel is loaded and hangs at some point. Can't tell where, as
explained before. I know the boot is not finishing because I created a
/etc/rc.local in it doesn't do anything.

I tried to edit /etc/fstab and change sd disk interface for wd. Not
working either.

I also tried the bsd.rd but I'm not sure if I get a prompt or it also hangs.

Ideally, I would boot the Soekris and wait for network initialization
for connecting via SSH. Any suggestion?

The only thing I haven't tried is the bsd.mp kernel, now that I think.
I'll give it a try and will be waiting for your feedback in the

Thanks in advance.

Alberto Mijares

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