> It's like using ed or vi over MS or Libre Office. I like to have
"simple" software in the means of the software or more precise its
authors don't anticipate what I want to do.

Well said.

I've been thrown over by every software I used so far.

My most important projects last longer than any software or indeed even
hardware I used.

There are too many people doing too many things they don't really
oversee well enough in projects too big to be understood.

Software seems to be about these modern abacuses, but in fact it's about
people communicating, once a single person can't do the whole thing
alone any more. Communicating about APIs and being strictly honest about
every aspect of it, that is, and this is where mismatches create
problems all over the board, including security ones. That's also why
having the source is so important, to see what it really does.

Its a question of mismatch of expectations on one side and complete and
precise documentation on the other, besides the correctness of the
protocol and software engineering in itself, of course. The source is an
Essential part of the documentation. Not distributing it could be the
first step to trickery.

Many people think that security holes are unavoidable, but to me it's
just bad engineering, computers are still deterministic, after all.

To me some aspects of the solution are simple data formats and least
software complexity, decluttering and diligent engineering.

As far as I'm concerned, the foundation of OpenBSD seems to be a radical
cultural one, e.g. to be very strict about refusing what one doesn't
want. Radical self-determination after thorough reflection. This really
makes a difference in a world like today's where dishonest trickery in
order to roll others over for one's only gain is so widespread.

That's another way to thank you Team.


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