Me's been following this discussion w/ some interest.

Personally, meuses lynx(1) (w/o the ports patches, as they interfere w/
text field editing among other things), in image_links mode w/ feh(1).
Works like a charm :)
Mecan only agree with the sentiment that if something does not work in a
normal (i.e. not overly bloated, and without ``backdoors'' like
javashit) browser, it's the fault of the webmaster, not us as readers.

Occasionally, when really pressed, meruns 'tails', a specialized Lunix
distro, from a DVD on a spare craptop; at least that way, mecan get rid
of the bloated, buggy shit by simply turning off the machine.

Not that me's too impressed w/ 'tails': it does, but the maintainers
appear to have mostly a broad, and thus not very deep, grasp of
security. If me'd know of a similar, OpenBSD-based alternative, me'd of
course use it. But, to me, anything is better than installing and
maintaining a load of overweight, clumsy, not-very-UNIXy packages *just*
to do the occasional javashit-bloated thing.

Just me half-stiver :) 


Friggin' Machines!

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