On Sat, Mar 07, 2020 at 11:03:10AM -0600, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> Should I try to pull the boot
> hard drive into another running system, and then manually try to copy
> over a clean /bsd.mp on the next snapshot?

just to complete what otto@ already said.

the problem isn't the kernel (bsd.mp), so copying it manually will not solve the
problem. the problem is with the biosboot(8) file installed on the disk.

to quote the man page of biosboot:

        This small program (roughly 512 bytes of code) is responsible for 
        the second-stage boot(8) program (typically /boot), which in turn will
        load the kernel.

        (see https://man.openbsd.org/biosboot.8 for complete explanation)

to install it manually, you need installboot(8) command + biosboot(8) file (by
default, it is using the one in /usr/mdec).

unplugging the disk, put it in another machine, and next doing a upgrade will
run the right command, so it is the more simple approch.

Sebastien Marie

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