On 2020-04-08 12:08, Rudolf Leitgeb wrote:
>> I believe that is false too.
> You're kidding, yes? Did you somehow miss the opensmtp hole?
> https://poolp.org/posts/2020-01-30/opensmtpd-advisory-dissected/

OpenSMTPD does not listen to the internet, by default and even if you do set it
to, it only affected certain configurations.

Is it hard to write a secure mail server, sure. Look at exims bugs.

If your project, like most could; has made sane design choices for simple
interfaces then it certainly can be made very secure, remotely unhackable is
easier than you think for a modest project. You cannot take the easy road 

How the heck sshd has such as good security record, considering all that it
does, interface wise, is rather astounding. I guess a remotely critical bug may
be found there one day, but it does not affect my point!

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