
I've been using a LACP trunk on my apu (with the three em(4)). On
top of which I have some vlans. I've been doing that for years and it's
working fine.

I thought about using aggr(4) instead (for no real reason). But the
aggr interface stays in "status: no carrier".

What I did is, I replaced my hostname.trunk0

trunkproto lacp trunkport em0 trunkport em1 trunkport em2

with a hostname.aggr0

trunkport em0 trunkport em1 trunkport em2

(and changing the parent in my hostname.vlan*). To apply the new
configuration, I just reboot.

My trunk0 which works is
trunk0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500             
        lladdr 00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc                                                
        index 7 priority 0 llprio 3                                             
        trunk: trunkproto lacp                                                  
        trunk id: [(8000,00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc,403C,0000,0000),                     
                em2 lacp actor system pri 0x8000 mac 00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc, key 
0x403c, port pri 0x8000 number 0x3 
                em2 lacp actor state 
                em2 lacp partner system pri 0x80 mac 00:00:00:00:00:00, key 
0x0, port pri 0x80 number 0x0 
                em2 lacp partner state aggregation,sync,collecting,distributing 
                em2 port active,collecting,distributing                         
                em1 lacp actor system pri 0x8000 mac 00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc, key 
0x403c, port pri 0x8000 number 0x2 
                em1 lacp actor state 
                em1 lacp partner system pri 0x80 mac 00:00:00:00:00:00, key 
0x0, port pri 0x80 number 0x0 
                em1 lacp partner state aggregation,sync,collecting,distributing 
                em1 port active,collecting,distributing                         
                em0 lacp actor system pri 0x8000 mac 00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc, key 
0x403c, port pri 0x8000 number 0x1 
                em0 lacp actor state 
                em0 lacp partner system pri 0x80 mac 00:00:00:00:00:00, key 
0x0, port pri 0x80 number 0x0 
                em0 lacp partner state aggregation,sync,collecting,distributing 
                em0 port active,collecting,distributing                         
        groups: trunk                                                           
        media: Ethernet autoselect                                              
        status: active

And the aggr0 which doesn't come up is:
aggr0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500              
        lladdr 00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc                                                
        index 6 priority 0 llprio 7                                             
        trunk: trunkproto lacp                                                  
        trunk id: [(8000,00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc,0006,0000,0000),                     
                em0 lacp actor system pri 0x8000 mac 00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc, key 
0x6, port pri 0x8000 number 0x1 
                em0 lacp actor state activity,aggregation,defaulted             
                em0 lacp partner system pri 0x0 mac 00:00:00:00:00:00, key 0x0, 
port pri 0x0 number 0x0 
                em0 lacp partner state activity,aggregation,sync                
                em0 port                                                        
                em1 lacp actor system pri 0x8000 mac 00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc, key 
0x6, port pri 0x8000 number 0x2 
                em1 lacp actor state activity,aggregation,defaulted             
                em1 lacp partner system pri 0x0 mac 00:00:00:00:00:00, key 0x0, 
port pri 0x0 number 0x0 
                em1 lacp partner state activity,aggregation,sync                
                em1 port                                                        
                em2 lacp actor system pri 0x8000 mac 00:0d:b9:43:9f:fc, key 
0x6, port pri 0x8000 number 0x3 
                em2 lacp actor state activity,aggregation,defaulted             
                em2 lacp partner system pri 0x0 mac 00:00:00:00:00:00, key 0x0, 
port pri 0x0 number 0x0 
                em2 lacp partner state activity,aggregation,sync                
                em2 port                                                        
        groups: aggr                                                            
        media: Ethernet autoselect                                              
        status: no carrier

The only different thing I could see is the key (0x403c with trunk(4),
0x6 with aggr(4)) but I don't see how I could change it to try if it

Initially I thought the random lladdr from aggr(4) could be a problem
so I set it in the hostname.aggr0 file but it didn't help.

I don't see anything on the switch side I could change, and the log I
have is merely the ports going up or down when I reboot.

Any idea why aggr(4) stays in no carrier status?


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