Fffffffff- my formatting got all jub'd up. For prosperity:

Oh Lord...

> haha Stuart.
> Always there to make a low IQ entrance :)

Yeah, I think we all agree that Stuart is pretty retarded, like retarded 
gorilla territory but it's probably rude to point it out like that. It's better 
to just let him lumber around the mailing list, defecating where he pleases and 
smelling his own farts(4), it's really not hurting anyone, plus I think he 
amuses Theo somehow...

> Would you be more receptive if it was made by Linus and used Linux I 
> wonder... ?

Um, no?

> Try not to be to childish was just a bit of excitement

SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB IDIOT. The mailing list specifically states:

 "The only mailing lists that allow file attachments are the bugs, ports and 
tech lists." Didja read that you crap smelling lobster?!

> over something we have been waiting for for many decades.

Time in an illusion. The only time now is party time, got that?

pipus you're a stink butt and no one likes you. Actually, I think you were 
joking about the commercial revolution but I still hate you otherwise. No 
regular person wants a Sun Blade 1000 running OpenBSD 6.9 next to their toilet 
managing their Internet.

OpenBSD is for super-friends and no one else.

I shall think of you as I throw up.

Professor Anus T. Pepper
University of Jub
Jubjub, NY

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Wednesday, December 16, 2020 5:37 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org> 

> pipus pi...@protonmail.com wrote:
> > Stuart, one more thing, many of us have a question for you.
> > Why does Theo, someone we have a huge amount of respect for, give you such 
> > leeway in the forum?
> Because he makes the world better.
> On the other -- whoever you are -- you just smear shit over everything.

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