> 15 juli 2021 kl. 10:00 skrev Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org>:
> On 2021-07-15, Isak Holmström <i...@prehosp.se> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I recently discovered that my battery is not charging. I really can’t find 
>> anything when searching the web regarding openbsd and batteries. Please 
>> advice me how to debug this issue. I cannot find anything on 
>> https://marc.info or man sysctl, apm or apmd, sysctl.conf
> OpenBSD doesn't control charging. That's a function of the various parts
> of the laptop (battery, charger, embedded controller etc). The system
> communicates with the firmware on the battery pack and won't charge if
> that fails or it thinks it's unsafe to charge.
>> acpibat0 at acpi0: BAT0 model "42T4861" serial 17065 type LION oem "SANYO"
> There is clearly some comms with the battery because this is reported.
> Output from "sysctl hw.sensors" might give a clue.

Thanks, the output from hw.sensors:
hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=54.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpibtn0.indicator0=On (lid open)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt0=11.10 VDC (voltage)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.volt1=9.27 VDC (current voltage)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.power0=0.00 W (rate)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour0=48.50 Wh (last full capacity)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour1=2.42 Wh (warning capacity)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour2=0.20 Wh (low capacity)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour3=0.00 Wh (remaining capacity), CRITICAL
hw.sensors.acpibat0.watthour4=48.84 Wh (design capacity)
hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw0=6 (battery charging), OK
hw.sensors.acpiac0.indicator0=On (power supply)
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp0=55.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp1=55.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp2=55.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp3=55.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp4=55.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp5=55.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp6=55.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.temp7=55.00 degC
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.fan0=3496 RPM
hw.sensors.acpithinkpad0.indicator0=Off (port replicator), UNKNOWN
hw.sensors.acpitz0.temp0=55.00 degC (zone temperature)
hw.sensors.acpidock0.indicator0=Off (not docked), UNKNOWN
hw.sensors.aps0.temp0=40.00 degC
hw.sensors.aps0.temp1=40.00 degC
hw.sensors.aps0.indicator0=On (Keyboard Active)
hw.sensors.aps0.indicator1=Off (Mouse Active)
hw.sensors.aps0.indicator2=On (Lid Open)
hw.sensors.aps0.raw0=506 (X_ACCEL)
hw.sensors.aps0.raw1=514 (Y_ACCEL)
hw.sensors.aps0.raw2=506 (X_VAR)
hw.sensors.aps0.raw3=514 (Y_VAR)
hw.sensors.softraid0.drive0=online (sd1), OK
——- snip 

So the charger is charging or at least trying. No errors.

- isak 

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