On 2022/05/09 10:46, Riccardo Giuntoli wrote:
> Yes I know. With rdomains and pair it would be nice to write a daemon
> that inspect L7 search for bittorrent identification and take action
> above those packets. 
> Yes. DMCA is a complete overkill. Vultr applies it. When business will

It doesn't make sense though, DMCA relates to hosted content, you aren't
hosting on the VPS though, right? If I understand correctly you just
route through it?

> grow I will host in some data center a pair of servers and do vmd
> machines. But I've got to register for RIPE, get an IPv4 and IPv6
> class, and so on. It's a temporary solution. For now I'm using ndpi on
> linux and changing DSCP.

If you're in Europe, running this service via US-territory VPS seems a
legal minefield and a bad idea both for network performance and privacy
related reasons.

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