Sorry, a little more detail. Pf is not running on any of these ftpd servers.

My ftpd setup consist mainly of:

/etc/rc.conf.local  = ftpd_flags="-DllUSAn"
/etc/ftpusers = has the admin account in there
/etc/ftpchroot = the account that will receive the scans
/etc/shells = /usr/bin/false
the account that receives the scans has the false shell

This is the setup for all the ftpd server I have for both 3.9 and 3.8. For both versions, the rest of the server is pretty much default.

Nick Guenther wrote:
On 6/14/06, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I may be beat up for asking this question, but I'll endure it if it
leads to an answer.

In the past, I've setup OpenBSD 3.8 ftpd servers that my users access
using Microsoft web folders.  Everything works fine.  A user double
clicks on the web folder and the contents of the ftp folder pops up
right away.  Microsoft web folders is a way of creating a folder to
access an ftp server but make it look like a regular Windows explorer
folder.  It is available by default in Microsoft 2000 and XP.

Now I've installed a couple of OpenBSD 3.9 ftpd servers which are
configure exactly like the OpenBSD 3.8 servers.  But when a user
double-clicks on a web folder, a error message pops up saying that login
failed.  At this point I click "login as" and click the "okay" button
because the username and password is saved already (this is on the
client-side).  This results in a successful login.

So my question is, has there been a change in OpenBSD 3.9 from 3.8 that
caused ftp authentication that worked fine in 3.8 to not work in 3.9?

Read before you upgrade
"ftp-proxy(8) has changed, as detailed below, so your pf.conf(5) file
may need to be updated." <>

Good luck

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