On Wed, 13 Dec 2006, Vim Visual wrote:

> ahem...
> any C programmer willing to have a look at the C code to make it o'bsd
> compatible? according to Naoki it should be feasible but my
> programming knowledge is limited to shell scripting, a bit of python
> and fortran... (am a Physicist)
> http://www.jail.se/p7010/1280patch-845g-855gm-865g.c
> :)
> (why do I have the feeling that I am going to land in the trash folder
> of more than one person from these mailing lists??)
> > I added some lines for NetBSD and FreeBSD, but I did not add any line
> > for OpenBSD. C may be portable, but program may not be portable:)
> > 
> > It's weird and small C program. It will work on OpenBSD if you add some
> > lines for OpenBSD.

I have the feeling you and Dim are talking about different things.

I'm might be compleetly wrong, but isn't the 915resolution-0.5.2.tgz
package what Vim needs? That's already ported, precompiled and tested
on a variety of harware using that chipset. 


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