On 9-Jan-07, at 12:42 PM, J.C. Roberts wrote:
The painfully sad truth is if you're doing any serious development and
testing in Java, you have to debug everywhere and you normally need to
have ton of jre/jdk installations on each of your supported OS/ hardware
combinations. You really do need multiple systems as well as multiple
installations of java on each system; versions, subversions and
sub-subversion (1.4-01, 1.4-02, 1.4-03 and so on as well as 1.5-01,
1.5-02 ... ad infinitum). It's a major pain in the ass. I truly hate it
and I won't touch java unless someone is paying me really well to deal
with such headaches.

Who fed you that load of silliness?  I could maybe understand having 1.4
and 1.5 but if you can't keep something stable across the small releases
you're doing something seriously stupid.

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