On 14/02/07, Han Boetes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Artur Grabowski wrote:
> > "Stephan A. Rickauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I did read your FAQ but I can't see how it rebuts what has
> > > just been said. You seem to be happy with signing NDAs. If the
> > > result is a readable and understandable GPL'ed driver,
> > > companies will be even less motivated to release programming
> > > documentation. This will lead to a GPL-lock-in since you
> > > simply replace the vendor not willing to share specifications
> > > with an NDA'ed GPL developer not willing to share those, but
> > > GPL code only.
> >
> > Which is exactly what the GPL people want since that's the whole
> > point of the license. Otherwise they wouldn't be using the
> > GPL. Duh.
> Nah, RMS doesn't want this. A lot of `GPL people' don't want this
> at all.
> This deal is meant to divide.

And this discussion isn't?  There are already plenty of divisions within the
FOSS world - between the F and OS of FOSS, between Linux and BSD, between
the various BSDs. It's not as if TdR started OpenBSD to continue
contributing to NetBSD, is it?

And yet when a driver is released under the BSD licence, which conflicts
with the GPL, when do we hear the bitching about it on the BSD side? Wait,
what's that? Oh, we don't?



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