I just wanted to ask this question to [EMAIL PROTECTED] My situation is 100Mbps/100Mbps that is needed to be managed. I need bandwidth management and I want to ask if someone has such experience. I plan to implement it on OpenBSD. Any recommendations?


Alex Thurlow wrote:
So anywhere I look for router performance on OpenBSD, all the benchmarks are on small lines or old machines. I also see mentions of people using it in large scale installations, which is what I'm looking to do. I thought I'd ask here and see what people have done. I have 2 GigE lines from different providers balanced via BGP with full routes from both providers. Currently, these are running through a Linux/Quagga/Iptables router/firewall with a P4 3.2 GHz. The distro is Gentoo, and we've stripped it down quite a bit.

We're pushing streaming video, so it's almost all outbound traffic by about a 30:1 factor, and our average packet size is quite large - around 1200 bytes. At the moment, when we hit about 350Mbps, the router gets to ~30% CPU usage, and it appears that we stop being able to pass all the traffic at full speed. I don't see packet loss, but our traffic graph flattens a good bit. At those rates, we also start to see crashing, but we haven't been able to figure out the exact cause of those either. So, long story short, I need a new router. We've looked at Cisco, etc. and for what we're doing, it looks like we need a carrier class router. I can get a decked out 12008 for about $8k, but I'd rather not spend that much, or use the 2 feet of rack space.

I've used OpenBSD/PF for firewalls in the past, and loved them, so I'd like to use it for a router if it can handle what we need. Basically, I need to be able to saturate both of those GigE lines. I'm willing to buy the brand-newest hardware - the PCI express bus should be able to do 2.5 Gbps, but I can't find anything that says I can push that much through software.

I was also looking at the Intel I/O Accelerator, but I didn't see if there was OpenBSD support for it. I'm sure if there is, that would help get me to be able to push the traffic I want to.

A long explanation, but I'm just hoping someone could give me some insight here.

Alex Thurlow
Technical Director
Blastro, Inc.

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