* Karel Kulhavy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-16 12:20]:
> Is it true that Puffy is not here because of Theo's concerns about
> his copyrighted Puffy logo?
> http://misc.allbsd.de/Kampagnen/NoBlob/NoBlob-en-Poster.jpg

        Hunh? a "No Blob" poster with FreeBSD on it? that's a
fucking joke. they're the biggest vendor whores around putting
blob drivers in their os! heck they're one of the biggest
reasons it remains a problem!

> I also couldn't use Puffy logo on Ronja because then I wouldn't be able to 
> talk
> about OpenBSD negatively if it came out there is some serious problem with
> Ronja and OpenBSD together.
> I think Theo should stop being paranoid about his Puffy. Puffy is not 
> something
> you steal from a bowl and it disappears. I also have a Ronja logo which is
> under GFDL and noone is stealing it and damaging me. The same for the Linux 
> Tux
> I have the feeling.

        Not having the background on what Theo has or hasn't done
I wouldn't know, but frankly, I wouldn't want to see OpenBSD
on anything so misguided.  Putting FreeBSD on a No Blob poster
is like putting the Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon logos on a poster
about reducing global CO2 emissions.

        If you have nothing better to do that look at "campaigns"
at least find a campaign where it appears the people doing it
understand this issues. this one is relatively obvious that
they don't - at all - Or maybe they're sponsored by Altheros and
Nvidious for all I know.


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