I have a question about this..

Will NEW offenders be added to /etc/tables/scanners
as they are discovered and therefore not just remain in kernel?

It would be nice since doing a reboot wipes out kernel kept

table <scanners> persist file "/etc/tables/scanners"
table <scanners> persist

Thanks :)


>Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 01:39:37 -0400
>From: Daniel Ouellet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070509)
>To: OpenBSD <misc@openbsd.org>
>Subject: Re: SSH brute force attacks no longer being caught by PF rule
>Steve B wrote:
>>The rule I've had in my pf.conf file to catch and block forceful SSH
>>attempts no longer appears to be working. I see the entries in my authlog,
>>but the IPs are no longer getting added to my table. I suspect I screwed
>>something  up, but so far I am at a loss to see where. Could someone pass
>>another set of eyes over the relevant parts of my pf.conf?
>Put quickly as an example, but you can try:
># Define some variable for clarity
>SSH_LIMIT="(max-src-conn-rate 3/30, overload <scanners> flush global)"
>## SSH Hackers - blocked IPs
>table <scanners> persist file "/etc/tables/scanners"
># Block ssh access to bad ssh scanner
>block drop in log quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp \
>    from <scanners> to any port ssh
># Allow quick valid traffic to ssh but log all attempts as well
>pass in log quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from ! <scanners> \
>    to $ext_if port ssh flags S/SA keep state \
>You may also want to add a section to always make sure you will have
>SSH access to your box before you block all SSH access like you did
>should someone spoof your source IP to log yourself out as well with
>may be something like:
># Allow quick ssh access to good guys on main interface.
>pass in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from <goodguys> \
>    to $ext_if port ssh flags S/SA keep state

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