Lars NoodC)n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Articles and other means of providing information about OpenBSD will
> increase knowledge of OpenBSD.

Yes.  I was pretty determined to stay out of this thread entirely, but
I think you touch on an important point here.  Like most people who
have been in the field for a while I have a lot of respect for
Richard's efforts, but whether he recommends using OpenBSD or not or
whether he is acting on incorrect information about what ships with
the system is in fact not that interesting.  Richard is entitled to
his opinions, and if his opinion of what 'free' means is different
from a some other group's, that's something I for one can live with.

What /is/ interesting, in my view, is the fact that OpenBSD is where
some of the best technology available today, certainly when it comes
to networking, is developed.  And there's more to come.

Using OpenBSD we build the systems we need, and they work a helluva
lot better than most of the other stuff out there.  OpenBSD is free
and lets us create reliable, high performance, low maintenance
networks and services, Stuff That Just Works.  In fact it's so good it
makes you *want* to contribute back.  That's what I want to emphasize.

- P
Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
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