On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 01:29:38AM +0100, Erik Wikstr??m wrote:
> I am setting up a OpenBSD box to act as a router/file-server for my
> parents, the box consists mostly of old parts and I try to not spend any
> extra money on it. One of my biggest worries is, since it will act as a
> file-server which will contain stuff with some emotional value, data- loss.
> The preferable way to solve this would probably be to use two disks but
> that is not an option for me. So I was wondering if it is possible to
> instead split the disk in two parts, the first is used to install
> OpenBSD on, and the rest is split in two and setup in a mirror
> configuration using RAIDframe or something similar. If this is possible,
> will it buy me any additional protection against dataloss, or is it more
> likely that my disk crashes all together?

You've had the reasons why what you propose shouldn't be done.  Lets
look at your opptions:

1.      Why isn't a second disk an option?
2.      I don't know the size of the disk to know the size of the backup
        media required.  However, CD/DVD burners are less than the cost
        of a hard drive and the media is relatively cheap.
3.      If the box will have internet access, what about using rsync to
        send a compressed backup to your own box.  If you don't want it
        going via the internet for some reason, what about a good
        old-fashioned modem to connect with your box and send it via


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