Floor Terra wrote:
I have no problem problem with name calling but what do you hope to
accomplish by you request to call GNU bullshit?
Although my opinion of GNU is not as positive as it was before this
whole RMS vs OpenBSD discussion, I will not insult people just to receive
free gifts

Floor Terra

"Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance."
--Sam Brown

Well, it is my opinion that GNU/FreeSoftware is bull s h i t and it should be called Stallmanist software. I know that is not the opinion of everyone.. and I know some of you do not think GNU is bull s h i t. And I apologize to those people who do not think a lot of it is bull s h i t.

But...regardless, GNU is bull s h i t.

The whole GNU philosophy goes ON, and ON, and ON, and continues to get more complicated.

It is like a complicated piece of code that keeps getting more complicated.

The algorithm, must be simplified and minimal. The license is just an algorithm in words. And GNU licenses are way too complex of an algorithm. They cause so many complications it reminds me of those 5 page PROPRIETARY licenses.

When I find a complex algorithm, I call bull s h i t. And you, with a sense of humor, are to do the same.. or just don't reply and don't get your gift ;-)

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