On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 09:15:41PM +0200, Dorian B|ttner wrote:
> propably the file you gave named in the zone-section of named.conf needs to
> be existing in the first place. give named sufficient permission to read
> and, for dynamic update, to write in it - no bug here and no need to change
> directory ownership.

I don't think so.

a) The manual (http://www.isc.org/sw/bind/arm95/Bv9ARM-all.html) doesn't
list an option to specify the location of the journal file.

b) It is automagically created by named
[... snipp ...]
This file is automatically created by the server when the first dynamic
update takes place.
[... snipp ...]
Although the documentation didn't specify the location of the journal.

But even it would do so named _NEEDS_ to write to the master directory

(http://www.isc.org/sw/bind/arm95/Bv9ARM.ch04.html#journal again):
[... snipp ...]
The server will also occasionally write ("dump") the complete contents
of the updated zone to its zone file. This is not done immediately after
each dynamic update, because that would be too slow when a large zone is
updated frequently. Instead, the dump is delayed by up to 15 minutes,
allowing additional updates to take place.
[... snipp ...]

Oh and BTW. /var/named/slave _IS_ writeble by named:

# ls -ld /var/named/slave/
drwxrwxr-x  2 root  named  512 Mar 12 17:28 /var/named/slave/

Of cause it is. named needs it to store and update zone data from the master.
So slave/ is writeble by named because it needs to update the (slave)
zone files. The same applies to the master directory (see c) ).

So long,


Windows 95: A 32-bit patch for a 16-bit GUI shell running on top of
an 8-bit operating system written for a 4-bit processor by a 2-bit
company who cannot stand 1 bit of competition.

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