So I tried pinging to the unreachable subnet from my router with pf
disabled. The address is resolved by the DNS server I have listed, but
I still get no response. I ping that IP address and it doesn't want to
respond (destination unreachable). This is with pf disabled too, so I
can't blame pf. What else can I blame?

However I find that I can ping the subnet. I even
played around with the netmask changing it from to, but that didn't seem to help.

So I can ping hosts on my own public IP subnet, I can ping hosts
outside of like google etc, but I can't ping hosts
within itself aside from 35. We actually have other
computers on the subnet and they can reach all hosts on
all subnets, no problem. For that, we're using a standard netgear
gigabit router.

What else can I change on ifconfig to tweak with this?


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Jon Simola <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Vivek Ayer <> wrote:
>> Since I'm in control of a public IP, I'm supposed to set the netmask
>> for the ext_if on my openbsd router to not
>> Would that solve the mysterious ping problem?
> Actually a not-mysterious routing problem.
> The entity that assigned you the IP address would have also provided
> you with an IP, a netmask and a gateway IP, possibly DNS servers as
> well. You would have to check with them (commonly one of network
> admin, DHCP server, or ISP).
> --
> Jon

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