Hi Nick,

Great post!

Rod Whitworth wrote:
Good pitch, Nick. I'd love to see it on a wider screen somewhere.

As to have this on a bigger screen! It has! (;>

April 21, 2009 at Apple Store in Tysons Virginia!

For the Apple Night School event. All night long from 5PM to ~10PM or so on it's own table and also bigger screen too.

The idea is what kids are doing with their computers and all as well as what they do with their MAC computers.

Well, this is not news to some on this list here, but my son did promote OpenBSD as well as I in a big way and a unique way too.

You can check the following pictures below if you want proof. 9 of them all around 3.5 to 4Mb sorry about that.

Specially you can notice the last 4 pictures and the last one with the big screen on it. That's in the Apple store for presentations.

Puffy did show up that night big time and a few Genius sure asked a few very interesting questions about the setup and all to witch my son provided all the answers they wanted.

Only one said that the warranty was not valid on the MAC laptop anymore as it was temper with for dual boot and all to witch my son proudly answer that's it's been like that for a very long time and to make the Genius happy also said something in the lines of

"That's no problem is it? If Apple makes good hardware, I don't really need that Apple Care and all to run great software on it do I? Are you saying that Apple do not make good hardware and I should pick a different company then?"

To witch the Genius didn't have any answer and left it alone and the other Genius got a good smile out of. (;>

Anyway, my son is a freak of Lego's and OpenBSD and that night show up how to use BlockSmith on him workstation in dualboot and how to use OpenBSD to secure his MAC right there in the Apple store on bigger screen then his laptop! (;> He even did a Lego figure of one of the Genius right there in BlockSmith witch I can tell you got him the hart of the various Genius there in the store too. (;> I guess I call that Puffy PR!,(;>


He got many questions and really got the curiosity of the people in the store that night going for sure. Did anyone got home and got a CD after that, obviously I can't say. I would like to believe that may be some did! But, did Puffy got visibility in the more obvious and may be hot places, I guess so. (;>

Sometime you will never know where Puffy will show up and how big the screen he might end up on. (;>

And you can notice the different OpenBSD T-Shirt's there as well including the Apple one around the neck oppose to hide the Puffy one.

Even to the question of "Well, it might be difficult to install this OS then?" by some of the visitors and Genius. Believe it or not, the answer came from my youngest son that was there too in the wireframe Puffy T-Shirt and that you can see there. He explain how to do it and also explain that he did many servers install as well in my business replacing hard drive and all. Even a demo install in 5 minutes was possible to do. (;> If not even a Teenager can do it in public, then I guess a Genius should be able to right? Sure got the attention of many there and really show that installing OpenBSD is even much faster then Mac OS X. OK, not all the X was install, but you get the picture. Visitor sure did! (;>

So, talk about big screen, well you got one. OK it's far from Australia I know, but never the less, you can fell the vibe now can you? (;>



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