On 4/06/2010, at 8:33 PM, Uwe Dippel wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Eric Faurot <e...@faurot.net> wrote:
>> Don't you have old stuff lying around in /usr/obj that gets installed
>> over your new binaries?
> That's probably the critical question now. Though, sorry to say, there
> is nowhere written that you have to rm -Rf it, when you
> - upgrade
> - patch
> Actually, I wasn't even aware of the existence of this directory until
> several minutes ago. (I expected it to be cleaned with wiping the
> source directories.)
> I do, like many others, 'Upgrade Guide X.Y to
> X.Z', and then get and apply the errata from
> http://openbsd.org/errataXZ.html; according to their instructions.
> If this happens to be wrong, by all means, then I make a mistake, and
> have been making this mistake for 5 years. So, rm -Rf * in /usr/obj is
> necessary?
> Uwe
I've been doing upgrades from *around* the 4.2 release, but always
from the release CDs.  And then I've patched as per the errata instructions.

And I've not (so far as I can recall) can to clear /usr/obj before applying

And as I type that I remembered!  Hang on, there *was* once a patch that
didn't apply
cleanly ... think it was this one (but then I must have started with 3.9) -
definitely an SSL
one that wouldn't build without clearing /usr/obj first:


So something for the upgrade docs or the patch file(s)?

Maybe patch 3 for 4.7 might be responsible this time around?  If you try the
make clean
step when applying patch 3 (something like in the link above - it might fix
your problems.)

Anyway, absolutely nothing to do with the installer or the 4.6 to 4.7 upgrade,
so enough from me.


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