On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 08:33:41 -0700, Philip Guenther wrote:
> Did files change when you did your cvs update (maybe the mirror you
> update from is slow)?  In particular,
> sys/dev/acpi/{acpi.c,acpivar.h,dsdt.c} should have been updated and
> should now have $OpenBSD: lines with my name in them.

Yes, that is the case.

> Next, assuming that that's the case, had you ever done a "make depend"
> in that kernel compile directory?  Hmm, there have been changes not
> too long ago that required running 'config' again, so if you've
> carried this kernel compile directory around a while then you should
> delete it and start with a config again.

I've started with a clean GENERIC.MP dir.

> If that's all correct, then you're going to need to do some digging of
> your own to help track this down.  What was the update time/date of
> the last kernel that you are sure could resume?  Can you confirm that
> by updating to that date with "cvs update -D2010/10/XX" and building
> the result?  (You should toast the compile directory in each case when
> doing this sort of thing.)  If that confirms a success, then do a
> binary search from that date to the present.  If not, back up further
> and try again...
> I mean, come on, "worked before, stopped working, still doesn't work"
> gives us nothing to go on for what broke your box.  That last commit
> was what broke resume on _my_ thinkpad...

It never worked before. The most I could get out of resume is a
non-resumed display, back in august when testing [1]. I could type in
'reboot' blindly but that's all.

[1]: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=128106745707385&w=2


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