On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Aaron Martinez <m...@proficuous.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a freshly installed 4.8 amd64 system and I was trying to get it
> set up in dual head mode.  I know this has been discussed before and I
> have searched through the archives on marc, but for some reason I
> haven't been able to get it fully working.
> The current state of this are as such, when i fire up gdm or startx, it
> looks like it's working, I have to screens, the login in gdm comes up on
> the left monitor and not on the right.  The right monitor however has
> the same pattern as when you run the "X -config <xorg_file>" command,
> kind of a pixely checker pattern.  I can move the curser from the left
> monitor over to the right, but then it's stuck in that monitor, I can't
> move it back to the left monitor.  Additionally at that point I can't
> <CTRL><ALT><backspace> to kill X and I can't even use <CTRL><ALT><F-KEY>
> to switch to a non-X desktop/screen.
> Any and all help greatly appreciated.

Have you looked at xrandr(1)'s manpage? I don't know if/how a
multi-head setup can be done without it, but I'm using it with the
following in my .xinitrc.

    xrandr --output LVDS --auto
    xrandr --output VGA --auto --right-of LVDS


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