ORCPT is only emitted if peer advertises support for it:

                if (s->ext & MTA_EXT_DSN) {                                     
                        mta_send(s, "RCPT TO:<%s>%s%s%s%s",                     
                            e->dsn_notify ? " NOTIFY=" : "",                    
                            e->dsn_notify ? dsn_strnotify(e->dsn_notify) : "",  
                            e->dsn_orcpt ? " ORCPT=" : "",                      
                            e->dsn_orcpt ? e->dsn_orcpt : "");                  
                } else                                                          
                        mta_send(s, "RCPT TO:<%s>", e->dest);

January 20, 2020 11:33 AM, "Éloi Rivard" <eloi.riv...@aquilenet.fr> wrote:

>> But no matter what, any action in smtpd.conf is a command that is going
>> to get executed and a process has to have a owner, so there is going to
>> be a system user involved.
> Thank you for the explanations, this is clearer.
> What about RFC 1891? Is there an option to disable use of additional 
> parameters
> such as ORCPT [1] to ensure compatibility with smtp tools that does not 
> support
> this standard?
> [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1891#section-5.2

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