Since people are sharing posts / articles, if others have written such articles 
feel free to share in this thread, I’m curious :-)

> On 8 Mar 2024, at 22:53, Peter Thurner | Blunix GmbH <> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just wrote a blogpost that explains how to configure OpenSMTPD as a 
> mailrelay for (Debian based) servers.
> I wanted to link it here in the hopes that somebody could find any mistakes I 
> might have possibly made. Any feedback would be highly appreciated :)
> Here is the link: 
> with kind regards,
> Peter Thurner
> CEO Blunix GmbH
> --
> Blunix GmbH
> Glogauer Straße 21
> 10999 Berlin
> Germany
> Web:

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