I'll try to answer to all points. 

1. Mixxx needs VCredist libraries. The actual NSIS installer embed
vcredist.exe and launch it in the background based on a registry key.
The clean way to do this in Wix is to embed mergeable modules of
vcredist in your installer. mergeable modules are modules that you can
embed in your installer. They are usually installed in C:\Program Files
(x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules when you install visual studio. 

2. I'm afraid $(WIX) is a locally defined variable from the blog author.
in fact $(WIX) is not a windows variable format, it should be %WIX%. I
didn't find any environment variable nor registry key telling me where
WIX it installed. so I don't see any solution appart asking the
developper to manually set it somewhere, either as PATH or environment
variable or as a compilation switch. The same way we do it for

3. Ok, so I will need to handle : 

 - warning message when installing 32 bits on 63bits system 

 - installation of both 32 + 64 bit mixxx on a 64 bits OS. This should
be the tricky part. 

4. ok, I'll keep XP compatibility 

5. ok, I'll drop sqldrivers but keep promo as pointed by Sean. 



Sébastien Blaisot 

Le 02/09/2015 08:38, Daniel Schürmann a écrit : 

> Hi Sébastien,
> Thank you for all your work on Windows!
> I'll try to answer some of you questions:
> 1. ? 
> 2. it should be $(WIX) according to 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2375322/variable-for-wix-bin-directory-path
>  [4]
> 3. IMHO it is nothing wrong to install a 32 binary to a 64 bit Windows.
> So It should be possible to keep a degree of freedom in case of issues.
> However, we should encourage the user to use 64 bit binaries, since
> there should be a performance gain. It supports atomic access to the
> control objects and has core SSE instructions. 
>> 4. Can we get rid of windows XP Support ?
> Is there a strong technical need to drop XP support? 
> Win XP is still the second often used desktop operating system after Win 7. 
> It is common to use recycled laptops for parties where a beer shower may 
> happen. 
> https://www.netmarketshare.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=10&qpcustomd=0
>  [5]
> Lets keep it!
>> 5. actual installer creates empty directories "promo" and "sqldrivers".
> Are they still required or just oldies that we can forget?
> They outdated and can be removed. 
> Kind regards, 
> Daniel 
> Am 01.09.2015 um 23:05 schrieb Sébastien Blaisot: 
>> Hi All,
>> I'm in an effort to port Mixxx's windows installer to Wix.
>> I really have hard times because windows installer framework is... 
>> well... you know.
>> I primarily focused on the reproduction of the existing operation, with 
>> some gain in this migration (working upgrades primarily).
>> I am now able to build 32 and 64 bits MSI for Mixxx manually and 
>> installing it to my computer leads to a working Mixxx \o/.
>> My work is shown here : https://github.com/sblaisot/mixxx/tree/wix-installer 
>> [1]
>> All changes has been made under build/wix
>> What's left on my TODO list :
>> - include VCredist in the package (seems possible to use VCredist merge 
>> modules if we have visual studio installed on the build server)
>> - Add QT's translations that I left appart from the installer now 
>> because it's not possible to include a subset of the files in a source 
>> directory
>> - Integrate with SCons
>> - test, test and test again
>> I have a few questions to achieve this goal :
>> 1. Can someone with an access to the build server show me what's in 
>> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules ?
>> 2. When we will have Wix installed on the build server, is it acceptable 
>> to add the Wix installation directory to the %PATH% of the build server 
>> and rely on it ? I didn't find a way to automatically determine where 
>> this folder is located like we actually do in scons for NSIS.
>> 3. Installation of 64bits package on 32bits machines is of course 
>> forbidden. I'm not sure if we need to permit 32bits mixxx installation 
>> on 64bits computer. Is anyone aware of such a use-case ?
>> I really appreciate all comments about this.
>> regards,
>> sb
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