On 09/02/2015 08:11 AM, Sébastien BLAISOT wrote:
2. I'm afraid $(WIX) is a locally defined variable from the blog author.
in fact $(WIX) is not a windows variable format, it should be %WIX%. I
didn't find any environment variable nor registry key telling me where
WIX it installed.

If it's present in Add/Remove programs, there's a registry key for it! :) If nothing is mentioned on WiX documentation, look in the standard places installed applications are registered. In the worst case, look around your registry in HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Installer or HKLM/Software/Microsoft/WiX.

   - installation of both 32 + 64 bit mixxx on a 64 bits OS. This should
be the tricky part.

Not really, since %PROGRAMFILES% will expand to "Program Files (x86)" in a 32-bit process on a 64-bit system, and "Program Files" in other cases. This happens automatically. The registries are also separated. (Wow6432Node)

Sean M. Pappalardo
"D.J. Pegasus"
Mixxx Developer - Controller Specialist

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